All about High Functioning Depression

With rising awareness about mental health, several people might come across medical terms such as ‘depression’ and ‘anxiety.’
Depression is a state that is highly subjective and personalized to each individual.
While there are specific keynote symptoms to help recognize depression, most people suffering from high functioning depression might find themselves puzzled and at a loss for words. Since this isn’t a topic spoken about by many, it becomes all the more vital to educate about High-functioning depression and understand what it truly means.
Is it easily detectable?
Being high functioning means that if a person is suffering from depression, anxiety, or any other mental illness, it might not be ‘detected’ by others. For instance, with depression, several people might not show classic symptoms and be able to carry on with their life. However, it’s an entirely different story once you see what goes on behind closed doors.
While high functioning depression isn’t a medical diagnosis, it is genuine and affects several people. These people might seem to lead a ‘normal’ life, with normal relationships and healthy work-life balance, but it’s not always true. However, since the DSM doesn’t recognize this as an official medical disorder, there aren’t any clear-cut indicators or symptoms of such depression.
However, suppose you suspect someone to suffer from this. In that case, chances are that they’re suffering from intrusive thoughts, low self-esteem, poor and unstable energy levels, changes in appetite, trouble sleeping, difficulty in concentrating, hampered decision-making, and persistent feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness, or guilt.
What are available treatment options?
There are no standard treatments for high-functioning depression. But in most cases, people with depression are treated similarly to those who are diagnosed with persistent depressive disorder or dysthymia.
Hence, while it would be irresponsible to say that both treatments are the same, you can effectively conclude that there is significant overlap. Thus, looking at treatment options for pervasive developmental disorders (PDD) is highly advised if you’re suffering from depression or know anyone in the same situation.
Traditionally, many mental health experts suggest a combination of therapy and medication. While drugs can help deal with the physiological component of depression, therapy primarily focuses on the person’s mindfulness. It can equip them with the tools and knowledge to understand their feelings and navigate them effectively.
The most common treatment for a mental health disorder is a long and challenging process, with various medications and alternative types of therapy being tried until something works.
How can you support someone with such depression?
Dealing with depression can be incredibly lonely, and social support is one of the key factors most mental health professionals look for before prescribing treatment. Seek comfort and solace among people you trust, whether friends, family, or partners. It is better to talk to your therapist or doctor to find a way to navigate the ups and downs.
A battle against depression is quite challenging. Whether you are fighting or your loved one, it is vital that you remain patient with yourself and equip yourself with the proper support and tools to emerge victorious. Mental health is no longer taboo; seek professional help to see lasting results.