Different Types of Bongs and Their Effect on Cannabis Consumption

If you’re a first-time bong user, you might be curious about the various types of bongs and their differences. Learning about the various types can help you choose the right one. You may also want to understand how bongs function to maximize your experience.
Popular types of glass water bongs commonly used include straight tube bongs, beaker bongs, and percolator bongs. Each type is distinct and offers unique perks and drawbacks. Understanding bong types and how they work can help you decide which one is right for you.
Bongs, another popular name for bingers, bubblers, or billies, are water pipes used to smoke cannabis. They have a long history, with the word “bong” originating from the Thai word “baung,” referring to a bamboo tube used for smoking marijuana. Bongs may look complex, but they all work on the same basic principle. Despite popular belief, they aren’t healthier than other smoking methods for your lungs.
Bongs and their material
Bongs vary in appearance, ranging from simple to colorful, unique designs. Regardless, their purpose remains: to filter and cool the smoke produced when burning marijuana. Bongs have a bowl for dried weed that is lit, causing combustion.
While inhaling, the water in the bottom of the bong creates bubbles, filtering the smoke. The smoke passes through the water and chamber before reaching your mouth. This article outlines the different materials commonly used to make bongs and the pros and cons of each. After that, readers can explore the diversity of bong designs available.
1. Glass
Bongs made of glass are favored because they provide a pure taste without affecting the smoke’s flavor. Transparent glass material facilitates easy monitoring for resin buildup, thus enabling timely cleaning. Glass is also an easy-to-clean material, making it convenient to use and maintain.
2. Plastic
Plastic bongs are a popular choice for smoking due to their durability and affordability. They can withstand drops and coughing fits without breaking, making them reliable. Additionally, plastic bongs are cheaper than other materials.
3. Ceramic
Ceramic bongs are heavier and more durable than other types of bongs but are also more fragile and less suitable for travel. However, they come in a wide range of novelty shapes, colors, and sizes due to the flexibility of clay as a material.
4. Bamboo
Bamboo is a popular material for bongs, known for durability. They range from basic to ornate designs incorporating metal, varnish, and paint. Sealed at the bottom, bamboo bongs offer a natural and eco-friendly option to smoke from.
The material is also easily carved into different shapes, allowing various design options. For those seeking a unique smoking experience, bamboo bongs are a great alternative to glass or ceramic bongs. They are also fairly easy to clean, making them a convenient and stylish choice for cannabis enthusiasts.
5. Metal
Although not as popular as glass or plastic, metal is also used to make bongs due to its durability and low cost. However, metal bongs can alter the taste of the smoke and cleaning them can be difficult as it is hard to determine when they need to be cleaned.
Designs in bongs
Bong design varies widely, and they can be made from various materials. The most common materials include glass, silicone, plastic, and ceramic. Bong’s design can range from simple and classic to elaborate and decorative. Common types of bongs include straight-tube, beaker, recycler, and gravity bongs. Ultimately, the design chosen will depend on personal preference and intended use.
Carburetor Bong
A hole in your bong indicates whether it’s a carburetor or not. Carburetor bongs have a hole while others don’t. Carburetors are not essential to the bong’s design, but they are believed to enhance the smoking experience with their ability to produce more smoke. Considering this, choosing a carburetor or non-carburetor bong rests solely on personal preference.
Straight tube bong
Straight-tube bongs are the most basic bongs available. They consist of a tube sealed at one end with a stem and bowl on the side. Users pour water into the tube, put the herb in the bowl, and inhale. It is a simple and uncomplicated way of smoking for anyone.
Beaker-shaped bongs
The beaker bong is a type of water pipe that has a bottom that flares out and looks like a beaker, providing more stability than straight-tube bongs due to its larger base. To use a beaker bong, add water, cannabis, and a lighter.
Round shaped bongs
Round-base bongs are a type of water pipe that has a spherical water chamber with a flat base. Like beaker bongs, they are wider at the base than the tube and mouthpiece. Although not as stable as beaker bongs, they offer more stability than straight-tube bongs.
These bongs are available in different shapes, sizes, and styles, but all feature a round chamber that filters smoke through water. Round-base bongs come in various materials such as glass, acrylic, ceramic, and silicone, and they are great for smoking dry herbs or concentrates.
Multi-shaped bongs
A multi-chamber bong, or a recycler bong, is a type of water pipe used for smoking cannabis. It consists of two or more chambers connected by a tube or third chamber. The smoke is filtered through water in each chamber, making inhaling smoother and cooler. The third chamber helps cycle the smoke back through the water, further filtering and cooling it before inhaling it. Multi-chamber bongs are popular among experienced smokers for their smooth hits and unique designs.
Percolator bongs
A percolator bong, also known as a bubbler bong, can come in various shapes but the distinguishing feature is the percolator. This glass piece filters the smoke before it travels through the bong, creating a smoother and cooler hit. The percolator can be found in different styles, from simple slits in the glass to intricate designs with multiple layers. Percolator bongs are popular among smokers as they help reduce harshness and improve the overall smoking experience.
Gravity bongs
Gravity bongs use the vacuum created when the water leaves a sealed container. There are two types: bucket and waterfall. A plastic bottle is used with a bucket of water to make a bucket gravity bong. The bottle is placed into the water while the mouthpiece is above the waterline. Then, marijuana is lit in the bowl, and the bottle is slowly lifted from the water. The smoke is inhaled once the bottle is completely lifted from the water.
Cannabis consumption should be about having fun; trying out different types of bongs can enhance the experience. However, it’s important to remember that simplicity is an option if preferred. Ultimately, it’s up to personal preference, but trying something new can add more enjoyment to smoking marijuana.
Bongs have been a go-to choice for cannabis users for many years, you can shop one from SmokeDay offering a simple way to consume the drug. They are popular because they are easy to use and do not require much preparation. For those who prefer a straightforward method of consumption, bongs remain a popular choice.
While a bong can provide a smoother smoking experience than a joint, it doesn’t offer protection from the health risks of smoking. Regular use of a bong is not recommended, and it may be time to retire it and consider other forms of consumption such as vaping or edibles. Remember to prioritize your health and well-being when enjoying cannabis.