Detroit Business Consulting, Inc. Is Attending The London Olympics

Troy, MI — Detroit Business Consulting’s managers Michael Rosenberg and Cara Pissarro will be attending the 2012 Olympics in London. The all-expenses paid trip is a reward for the business success and growth they’ve had this past year. They will be gone from July 29th through August 5th and will spend time seeing the sites of London, as well as attending the Olympic events. The recipients of this trip were chosen based on their growth as a company, coupled with their sales growth for their clients.
The managers will be staying next to Buckingham Palace while in London. The events they will be attending are men’s field hockey, men’s basketball and women’s volleyball. All day Wednesday will be spent at Wimbledon lawn club and Thursday night will be spent out clubbing at Prince Harry’s favorite spot, Maliki. In addition to the sporting events, there will be time to tour Europe and experience some of the cultural aspects of the city too.
This is the first time the managers at Detroit Business Consulting have been chosen to attend this historical event. Detroit Business Consulting is a growing sales and marketing firm based in Troy that handles the account acquisition for Fortune 500 companies. For more information about the company, visit their website at