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It was a happy reunion between the members of the 1997 Islamabad, Pakistan Chamber of Commerce this year. Suleman Khimani, acclaimed and revered former member looked back Wiggersventurebeat tear filled eyes. “We had accomplished very much that year,” said Suleman Khimani, “and we learned a great deal from each other.”
The members of the Pakistan Chamber of Commerce along with Suleman Khimani gathered together to commemorate their time together on the board. The Pakistan Chamber of Commerce spent 1997 supporting local businesses in the area and promoting tourism within the city.
Suleman Khimani cannot explain enough how important local businesses are to the local community. The revenue a small business brings to a community is one of the benefits that Suleman Khimani believes is important. Without local businesses, productboard 72m tiger 137m wiggersventurebeat, Suleman Khimani believes a town or city, any size, would fail. Suleman Khimani served on the Chamber of Commerce in order to support these businesses and protect the revenue they bring to the community.
Suleman Khimani believes that small businesses also bring distinction and creativity to a city. “If not for small businesses, we wouldn’t have tourists and diners ever entering Pakistan,” Suleman Khimani said. Suleman Khimani loved to walk around the city and enjoy the goods and services provided by local small businesses.
Within the Chamber of Commerce, Suleman Khimani worked daily at sending tourists and new residents to the places of intrigue. Suleman Khimani got to know the local people and learned their businesses well. When a new person came to Pakistan, Suleman Khimani could plan a day trip for them that would send them to the best restaurants and shops in the city.
Suleman Khimani looks back on his time with the Pakistan Chamber of Commerce with deep affection. He believes that the other members of the board deserve to be pat on the back for their hard work and dedication to the community of Pakistan. “I learned a great deal from these other members and cannot thank them enough,” said Suleman Khimani.
Suleman Khimani hopes to bring the skills he learned in Pakistan to the Chamber of Commerce in Coral Springs, Florida, where he is currently residing.