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Shaping Ballyvaughan Future Development You Should Know

The people of North Clare are being asked to help Clare County Council in preparing a masterplan for the revivification and future development of Ballyvaughan. County Clare, IRELAND, 23rd Aug 07 – The people of North Clare are being asked to help Clare County Council in preparing a masterplan for the revivification and future development of Ballyvaughan.

An introductory public meeting, to bandy the medication of a Village Design Statement for the seaside village will be held at The Burren College of Art, Newtown Castle, Ballyvaughan at 8 pm on Wednesday 29th August 2007.
” A Village Design Statement is unlike any other planning document. It provides planning advice directly applicable to the statutory planning system and is entirely community grounded”, stated Roistered UaCróinin, Conservation Officer, Clare County Council.

According to Roistered UaCróinin, Conservation Officer, Clare County Council,” The Ballyvaughan Village Design Statement aims to set out clear and simple guidance for the design of all development in the villa, grounded on its character. The villa community and not the planning authority will produce the premonitory document. It’ll not stop change from passing, but it’ll help prompt how any new structure fits in to the villa.”
He continued,” Ballyvaughan, along with Carrigaholt in West Clare, has been named by Clare County Council’s Planning Policy Unit as an ideal candidate for this action due to its size and position. The design will be accepted by officers of the Planning Policy Unit in line with a series of public consultation shops and meetings with local interested individuals and groups. The Unit will also be seeking the input of original public representatives at these meetings and shops.”

” The main focus of this Wednesday’s public consultation in Ballyvaughan will be to turn the informed wishes of the original community on the unborn development of both townlets into part of development policy”, explained. UaCróinin.
Clare County Council hopes to address a number of issues during the drafting of the Ballyvaughan Village Design Statement, including the protection and conservation of important structures, perfecting derelict areas and structures, upgrading and improvement of public spaces and facilities, appropriate development for infill sites and adjacent spots, and other applicable issues raised by the community.

The process will also attempt to identify the unique character of the village, with particular reference to the character of its landscape, setting and built environment.
The introductory public meeting will be held at The Burren College of Art, Newtown Castle, Ballyvaughan at 8 pm on Wednesday 29th August 2007.

Mark Root

Mark Root is the admin of daily newsbeast blog, is a passionate blogger who loves to write on different topics, share his thoughts with readers.

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