A College Online Network Featuring Anonymity
“Love Thyself” is a universally accepted quote showing that in order to live a
happy and fulfilling life, one must appreciate their individual characteristics and
be grateful for who they are. People should be proud of their uniqueness and
understand what truly makes them feel good on both the outside and inside. One
must not be afraid to express themselves aloud and be proud of who they are
because in the end, your mind is the most powerful tool you have.
KnationU pr1 300×111 A College Online Network Featuring Anonymity
Conversely, people enjoy communicating with others without their identity being
known. The Internet has created a haven for people to anonymously share writings
and pictures with the entire world with a single click of a mouse and it is this factor
that leads to the most truthful, un-biased, and even controversial content. A person
can be perfectly satisfied and confident in themselves and their thoughts but there is
a high chance that this person will feel uncomfortable writing these ideas down with
their name attached to it. People are being more careful than ever with what they
say on the Internet because they know that everyone person they are connected
with can read it: Family, friends, employers, teachers, government.
This is the problem KnationU Media LLC has solved and for college students
throughout The United States, each Knation Network will be a completely school specific and exclusive website to anonymously create and share content. This
extends beyond any social stereotypes and judgments and after a user publishes
content, he/she knows that the readers will be primarily from their school. Instead
of writing to a wide, unfiltered demographic, you know that the audience consists of
your fellow classmates and other people affiliated with the university.
1 knationunderU 300×199 A College Online Network Featuring Anonymity
Anonymity has been synonymous with the Internet for quite a long time and puts
all the focus on the actual content rather than who says it. Being able to write things
directed at certain people in a hyper-local university setting generates a massive
buzz and makes a person constantly wonder who is interested in them. Taking away
one’s identity in communication is psychologically thought provoking, compelling,
and provocative and it is proven within a college demographic to create more
dialogue and interest between students.
Peer-to-peer relationships are exciting and college students tend to have lots of
them. Having relationships is an important part of many student’s lives and being
able to anonymously flirt with someone else at the school is extremely appealing
because the topic is so sensitive and private in nature. Each Knation Network
provides students the opportunity to “flirt” or “shout-out” to another person
and this is where people can speak about taboo or questionable topics. This new
network is achieving what the Facebook groups “Crushes” and “Secrets” sought to
do but in a much more interactive and fresh manner.
“We are exceptionally eager for the launch of KnationU Media’s innovative social
network. It has all the right pieces to become a mainstay at colleges across the globe
and seems as if it will be able to form a powerful bond between the student and the
surrounding community. Whether the students are engaged is ultimately up to them
but as we analyze the many features the site offers, we cannot help but be thrilled at
its potential” – Greggory Lester, KnationU Media LLC CEO. Students are connected
to technology more than ever, and this exclusive university network may very well
be the next site that students join.